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Special Services

Department Head: Lynette Abruzzo, Director of Special Services
Phone: (516) 861-3200
Email directory

Nicole Friedman, Assistant Director of Special Services
Email directory

The Department of Special Services includes many levels of service. We first seek to support students through collaboration with building level staff and implementation of building level interventions. All students are given the opportunity to access the general education curriculum with supports before being evaluated for special education.

The department is responsible for the identification of students with disabilities and the planning for appropriate services to meet those needs. The range of services provided within the district includes related services (speech-language therapy, occupational therapy, physical therapy, and counseling), resource room, inclusion programs and self-contained special education classes.

The Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District supports educating students within inclusive classroom environments. Inclusive classrooms help to create a climate where students of varying instructional levels and learning styles work and learn together supporting social and academic growth for all. An inclusive classroom is a general education classroom in which a general education teacher and special education teacher work together to plan lessons, teach and support the progress of all students. This co-teaching model can also increase student engagement, interaction, and motivation, as well as foster a sense of community and collaboration in the classroom. An inclusive environment has a positive impact on achievement, self-esteem, social-emotional development, and increased acceptance of diversity. An integrated environment enables all students access to greater instructional intensity and differentiation of instruction to meet the high expectations we hold for all students within every classroom. The district strives to provide multiple supports, including use of an integrated co-teaching program, as well as linking general education and special education classes to create an environment which fosters social emotional growth and academic success. Linked classes provide opportunities for shared participation in lunch, recess, art and/or music, as well as building and classroom events. In the Oyster Bay-East Norwich Central School District, we support inclusive classroom settings that enable all students to achieve excellence.

In addition, support services for students and parents who are concerned about their child’s mental health as it relates to academics, adjustment, or socialization in school are available. Our school psychologists and social workers are available to help support students who may have these needs. 

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