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COVID-19 Information



Our District-Wide School Safety Plan is based on addressing the currently accepted phases of emergency management (Prevention/Mitigation; Protection; Response; Recovery). This concept is more simplistically defined as a way of looking at a potential emergency before, during and after the event. This Pandemic Plan is built upon the components already existing in our District-Wide School Safety Plan that also incorporates our Building-Level Emergency Response Plans. 

If the district would otherwise close due to an emergency, including but not limited to, extraordinary adverse weather conditions, impairment of heating facilities, insufficiency of water supply, shortage of fuel, destruction of a school building, or a communicable disease outbreak, the school district may remain in session and provide remote instruction. Commencing with the 2023-2024 school year district-wide school safety plans shall include plans for the provision of remote instruction during any emergency school closure. The district-wide school safety plan can be located on the Safety and Security webpage located here:  Click Here



