On August 28th, Oyster Bay High School hosted a College Application Bootcamp for incoming seniors, led by Head of Guidance Dr. Joy-Anne D’Anca and her dedicated team of counselors. The primary goal of the day was to help students complete their Common Application and begin drafting their college essays.
The event featured representatives from Adelphi University, Molloy College, and SUNY Oswego, who offered valuable insights into crafting a standout application and writing a compelling essay. They emphasized the importance of authenticity, advising students to reflect on what they truly want colleges to know about them, to start with a strong hook to engage the reader, and to tell a unique and personal story.
The college reps shared that they spend about ten minutes reviewing each application due to the high volume of submissions, underscoring the need for essays that are both attention-grabbing and concise. They highlighted that a well-crafted essay can often be the deciding factor in the admissions process.
Following a general session on application tips, the college reps met individually with students, answering questions and providing feedback on essay drafts. Throughout the day, students also had the opportunity to work independently on their applications and continue refining their essays.
The event saw an excellent turnout, marking the beginning of a series of college preparation activities planned by the guidance department, which will include a series of on-site mini college fairs starting in September.
Oyster Bay High School takes pride in the comprehensive support and guidance it offers its seniors, contributing to the school’s impressive 100% graduation rate in 2024.
Click here to view the College Application Bootcamp Kickstarts Senior Year at Oyster Bay High School slideshow.
Date Added: 8/30/2024